I am currently a freelance music education specialist and a graduate of Guildhall School Music & Drama, where I obtained my MMus in Leadership. The scope of education work which I do involves taking a community-level approach where I seek to engage young people to explore various genres of music through listening and improvisation. I specialize in structuring customized workshops, ensemble sessions and classroom lessons which could stretch from a period of anywhere between three days to a year, all focusing on seeking to understand a wide array of styles of music and thereafter writing new music through both free and structured improvisation.
A video introducing the innovative Leadership course at the Guildhall School can be found below.
My previous job was with Gordonstoun School, an acclaimed boarding school in Scotland, where I served as Musician-in-Residence for one and a half years. Previously I have worked on numerous community-based music education projects in Singapore, Palestine, Malaysia, Indonesia and the UK.
If you would like to get in touch to know about the work I do, please feel free to email me at
jon@go.to. You can follow me on my
Facebook page and on